Our Advanced Technology Tools
We are a small firm that can “practice large” because of our advanced technology tools.
Advanced technology has transformed the way we design, document, and deliver innovative solutions. Our parametric building modeller is fun and easy to use because the computer works harder. We have the ability to produce solutions better, faster, cheaper, and more imaginatively. Our clients are surprised and delighted with the value they receive because of our impressive capabilities, including:
3D Dynamic Modeling: visualize change
Visualize multiple design alternatives
Explore what-if design scenarios to define and confine risk
Provide walkthrough navigation
Create expressive geometry
Co-create designs with clients
Increase image quality with color, shadow, and texture
Parametric CAD: propagate change
- Eliminate waste by coordinating change and revisions
Guarantee consistencies by eliminating error creep in drawings and schedules
Encourage up-front collaboration of contractors, consultants, and suppliers
Enhance performance and communication
Control budget, schedule, and quality
Create a greater number of details
Web Communication: manage change
Research and specify materials
Procure products
Communicate with clients : e-mail updates Net meeting with 3D model Drawings sent as PDF files Budgets updated as EXCEL spreadsheets Schedules updated as OUTLOOK calendars